GROHAG focuses on E-mobility Being kind to nature and promoting electromobility are key concerns for Grossglockner Hochalpenstrassen AG (GROHAG), the operating company of Villach Alpine Road and other experience roads in Austria.

The first E-charching station on Villach Alpine Road opens

Man and e-charging station and e-vehicle | ©

The future of mobility is finding its way into Villach Alpine Road too – with the first two E-charging points at Aichingerhütte at 1650 metres altitude, which is a popular excursion destination for guests travelling on Villach Alpine Road, GROHAG opened the first charging column for electric cars to mark the 15th anniversary of ‘Naturpark Dobratsch’. The E-charging column at Aichingerhütte has two charge points (type 2 plugs, each of which have a power rating of 22 kW) and are available free of charge for visitors to Villach Alpine Road. Two car parking spaces are designated as charging zones for electric cars and are marked in green. A clear sign to everyone who wants to enjoy the beauty of the Villach Alpine Road while driving an e-vehicle. And in so doing, make a valuable contribution to protecting and preserving the delicate natural area. 

Glockner ePower charging prices

Charging at the charging stations along the Vilach Alpine Road is free of charge. Our charging tariffs for the e-charging stations outside the toll areas:

  • normal charging station: 0.49 €/kWh
  • fast charging station: 0.59 €/kWh
    (credit or debit card, or several charging cards)
  • The maximum free parking time is 90 minutes for the fast charging station (120 kW) and 180 minutes for the normal charging station (22 kW). After that, € 0.10/min. charged as a standing fee. 

You can find our terms and conditions for the e-charging stations here!

Consistent charging safety on Austria's most beautiful panoramic roads & excursion destinations The Glockner ePower charging points along the Villach Alpine Road guarantee you continuous charging security. You can find all charging points on our interactive map:

e-charging stations (glockner e-power)

Mobility turning point with Glockner ePower

Our society is the midst of a mobility and energy turning point. Electromobility has gained traction, especially in the past few years. In 2022, the EU voted for a ban on combustion engines in cars and light commercial vehicles by 2035. An expansion of the charging infrastructure must go hand-in-hand with this focus on E-mobility. And it is with this reasoning in mind that GROHAG, together with its  regional partners, is investing in the expansion of the charging infrastructure on its experience roads, and in its own clean, regional Glockner ePower.

aerial photograph of a sunset on the Villach Alpine Road | ©

Glockner ePower  

100 % sustainably produced electricity100 % from the region
100 % top price
0 % emission 

Logo Glockner ePower | ©

GROHAG: Pioneering role in E-mobility

With an intensive expansion of the charging infrastructure, with up to 100% green electricity, from renewable energy sources, the tourist offer provided by the Grossglockner E-pleasure tour along the Grossglockner High Alpine Road and through the Hohe Tauern National Park, and also with the establishment of a GROHAG-E-fleet as well as discounted tariffs for E-cars and E-motorbikes of course, GROHAG is taking on a real pioneering role in terms of E-mobility.

uphill & downhill in an e-car

E-Mobility in the mountains: tips & key facts from E-mobility experts at ÖAMTC

breakdown?  call 120!
Observation station Sun trails on the Rosstratten P11 | ©

Driving up a mountain in an E-car is the utmost pleasure – open up the throttle and full performance is right there – no hesitation! This is relaxing uphill cruising! And, can you hear the peace and quiet?

Flat battery? call 120!
Aerial photograph Aichinger Lodge | ©

Plan your trip so that you arrive at the top of the mountain with around 20-30 % battery charge, then you can charge your E-car battery as you head back down the mountain again. In keeping with the motto: generating energy rather than using it – that is sustainability!

Breakdown? call 120!
Villacher Alpine Road, view of the Rote Wand from the Skywalk | © Stabentheiner

While driving downhill, the battery in your E-car recharges, via a process known as recuperation – that is, the recovery of kinetic energy. In other words, instead of the heat produced during braking in a petrol or diesel car being wasted, an electric car effectively turns the energy from braking into electricity, using it to recharge the battery – so in this case the engine becomes an electricity generator.

flat battery? call 120!
Familie mit E-Fahrzeug  | ©

A nice ancillary effect of going downhill – when the battery is somewhat empty while going downhill, you also have to brake less, since recuperation acts like an engine brake.

breakdown? call 120!
Villach Alpine Road | © Stabentheiner

Since air does not affect the drive of an electric car, the altitude air which becomes ever thinner, does not have any effect on performance, which is the case in a combustion engine.