Delicious Carinthian food in the tri-border area What do you fancy? Are you in the mood for some fluffy ‘Kaiserschmarren’ pancakes? For some delicious Carinthian ‘Kasnudeln’ pasta? Or coffee and ‘Reindling’ cake, while enjoying views across the tri-border area? Carinthian cuisine is renowned for its specialities which connoisseurs and gourmets cannot resist. So, enjoy your gourmet tour in Carinthia’s Dobratsch Nature Park to the full!
Overnight stay
above the town's roof topsSpending the night in the mountains, taking in the views to Villach, is a special experience! Enjoying sunset and sunrise with the fantastic mountains forming the backdrop. Exploring the road and its surrounding area early in the morning, when there is nobody else out and about. Heading out on hikes, while others are still slumbering in the valley.
Aichingerhütte: A traditional inn with a nature park information point

With around 160 seats in the ‘Almstube’ and in the ‘Kleinen Stube’, a sensational panoramic view and cosy overnight stay option, Aichingerhütte, which is steeped in tradition, is ideal for weddings, birthday celebrations, company celebrations and bus groups. It is rich in tradition, since Aichingerhütte was constructed as a ski lodge in 1913 by the chairman of Villach skiing association at the time, Josef Aichinger. Today, alongside delicious Alpine treats, there is also a Nature Park information point in Aichingerhütte. At interactive stations guests are provided with interesting information about the unique birdlife in the region. In the Nature Park shop visitors will come across regional produce as well as books and information about the Nature Park.
Almgasthof Rosstratten: In the heart of Dobratsch Nature Park

Almgasthof Rosstratten, which is also known as ‘Rosstrattenstüberl’, offers everything your skiing or hiking heart yearns for when it comes to culinary delectation. Traditional Carinthian cuisine is served here – roast venison, Carinthian ‘Kasnudeln’, ‘Kaiserschmarrn’ pancakes, robust beef broth, hearty salads, meat and pasta dishes and other seasonal specialities. A winner - pizza from the wood-fired oven! There are over 20 different pizzas to choose from. Delicious home-made strudel – apple, curd cheese & the like – complete the culinary selection available. The restaurant is divided into two cosy ‘Stube’: the ‘Zirbenstubn’ on the ground floor and the ‘Alpenstube’ which provides superb views – and not forgetting the large sun terraces.
State-of-the-art Dobratsch summit house

It takes around one and a half hours to get to the Dobratsch summit house from Rosstratte (P11) car park. This contemporary mountain bothy managed by the Austrian Alpine Association is just a few metres beneath the Dobratsch summit.
Dobratsch summit house
(Austrian Alpine Association - Villach section)
Family Fleissner-Rieger
Phonen: +43 720 350 340
Dobratsch summit house

Even though the Dobratsch summit house is only accessible on foot, it is definitely worth heading to. The view from the summit is incomparably lovely and the innkeepers look after their guests with typical Carinthian hospitality, serving numerous Alpine treats including Carinthian ‘Kasnudln’ (pasta with cheese) , ‘Buchteln’ (sweet dumplings) served with vanilla sauce and tasty goulash.

Those of you who have no desire to head back to the valley after some extensive feasting, can also stay the night in a room in Dobratsch summit house, or in the mountaineering camp. And next morning enjoy breakfast on the sun terrace while enjoying the legendary panoramic view. Reservation recommended!

The Dobratsch summit house has been constructed using the passive house building concept. While the first-class insulation protects against heat loss, the extensive south-facing facade ensures optimum use of solar energy. The bio sewage treatment plant puts the finishing touches to the exemplary Dobratsch summit house.

In 1810, Mühlbacherhütte was set up on the site where Dobratsch summit house stands today. However, due to the extreme weather conditions, it had to be refurbished 40 years later. In 1907 its new owners, the Alpine Association, extended the building and named it after the chairman of the Villach section, Ludwig Walter. In 2010 the inn was re-built in accordance with the latest sustainability standards and renamed Dobratsch summit house.